Is It Psoriasis or a Fungal Infection?
You may be wondering if you have psoriasis or a fungal infection if you’re dealing with red, itchy spots on your skin.
Psoriasis and fungal infections have some similar symptoms, but they’re very different conditions. Keep reading to learn more about their:
Psoriasis and fungal infections have similar symptoms. It’s not always easy to figure out what you’re looking at with one glance.
Common symptoms of psoriasis include:
While psoriasis plaques can appear anywhere on your body, they’re commonly found on the:
The symptoms of a fungal infection look like psoriasis in many ways. Fungal infections can also create raised, red patches of skin. These patches may also itch. Sometimes, they’ll itch a lot.
What’s the best way to distinguish between psoriasis and a fungal infection? Look closely at your plaques or red patches. Do they look like circles or rings? If so, it’s more likely a fungal infection. Is there a silvery look to them? If there is, it might be psoriasis.
Another clear sign of a fungal infection is if it continues to grow without treatment, says Gary Goldenberg, M.D., a dermatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital and an expert on psoriasis. This is especially true for fungal infections on the feet and scalp.
Causes and Risk Factors
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It’s the most common autoimmune disease in the United States and affects 125 million people worldwide, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF).
While doctors have yet to identify the exact cause of psoriasis, geneticsplays a role. Other risk factors include:
Fungal Infections
Different types of fungi, called dermatophytes, commonly cause fungal infections. You may know this infection by its common name, ringworm. Despite the name, ringworm is caused by a fungus (not a worm).
Fungal infections are typically superficial and can affect your hair, skin, nails, or anywhere you come into contact with the fungus. They’re very contagious and usually picked up from direct contact with any of the following:
Because fungus spreads from contact, people who walk around barefoot are more likely to pick up a fungal infection on their feet.
Your treatment will be different depending on whether you have psoriasis or a fungal infection. Because of this, you’ll want to see a doctor so that you can correctly identify the cause of your skin rash.
Fungal infections generally clear up pretty easily with antifungal topical creams and oral tablets. Some of these are available over the counter. Your doctor may suggest different hygiene or cleaning habits if fungal infections are a recurring problem.
As for psoriasis, there’s currently no cure, but there are many treatments available. Your doctor may prescribe one of the following:
When to See a Doctor
Call your doctor for a stronger prescription if the topical, over-the-counter treatment you’ve been using isn’t working. See your doctor if the itching is still undiagnosed, especially if it’s getting worse.
Your doctor may have difficulty determining the cause of your condition by looking at it because these conditions look so similar. You may need to have a biopsy if this happens. Finding a clear cause will help you get the treatment you need sooner.
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